#include #include Macro First_TRPL_Data_Load() Variable refNum String message = "Select a file" String outputPath String fileFilters = "Data Files (*.txt,*.dat,*.csv):.txt,.dat,.csv;" fileFilters += "All Files:.*;" LoadWave/J/M/U={0,2,0,2}/D/A=wave/K=0/V={","," $",0,0}/L={10,10,0,0,0} outputPath = S_fileName return outputPath // Will be empty if user canceled End Macro Graph2D() : Graph PauseUpdate; Silent 1 Display;AppendMatrixContour wave0 vs {RP_wave0,CP_wave0} ModifyContour wave0 labels=0 ModifyGraph lsize=0 AppendImage/L=VertCrossing/B=HorizCrossing wave0 ModifyGraph noLabel(VertCrossing)=2,noLabel(HorizCrossing)=2 ModifyGraph standoff=0 ModifyGraph fSize=18,font="Arial" Label bottom "Time (ns)" Label left "Wavelength (nm)" ModifyImage wave0 ctab= {*,5,Gold,0} ModifyGraph freePos(HorizCrossing)=640 ModifyGraph freePos(VertCrossing)=480 Enter() ModifyGraph width=250,height=330 End Function Enter() Variable a= 20 Variable s= 1 Variable c= 510 Prompt a,"Enter Time Value" Prompt s,"Enter Time Ragne (ns=1, micro-s=2, ms=3)", popup "1;2;3" Prompt c,"Enter Spectrograph:Wavelength(nm)" DoPrompt "Enter Values",a,s,c if(V_Flag) Abort "The user pressed Cancel" endif Prompt a,"Is the value correct?" Prompt s,"Is the range correct? (ns=1, micro-s=2, ms=3)" Prompt c,"Is the Spectrograph:Wavelength correct?" DoPrompt "Enter Values Again", a,s,c if(V_Flag) Abort "The user pressed Cancel" endif Print "Now a=",a," and s=",s Setaxis bottom 0,a Setaxis left c-121,c+113 if (s==1) Label bottom "Time (ns)" else if (s==2) Label bottom "Time (\F'Symbol'm\F'Arial' s)" else if (s==3) Label bottom "Time (ms)" endif endif endif End